
T-shirts, Sword Of Justice Silvio Spotti

 Sword Of Justice Store 

Unleash Your Inner Hero with the Sword of Justice T-Shirt, mugs,baseball hats and all.

Are you a fan of epic adventures, heroic deeds, and legendary battles? Now you can wear a piece of that excitement with our exclusive Sword of Justice T-shirt! This stylish tee features a stunning image straight from the pages of my comic book, "Sword of Justice."

Why You'll Love This T-Shirt:

Epic Design: Show off your love for "Sword of Justice" with an eye-catching image of our iconic hero and their legendary sword.

Comfort & Quality: Made from premium, soft cotton, this T-shirt is designed for all-day comfort and durability.

Perfect Fit: Available in a variety of sizes, so you can find the perfect fit for you or as a gift for a fellow fan.

Support Independent Art: By purchasing this T-shirt, you're supporting an independent comic book creator and helping bring more exciting stories to life.

Get Yours Today!

Don't miss out on the chance to own a piece of the "Sword of Justice" universe. Whether you're heading to a comic convention, meeting up with friends, or just lounging at home, this T-shirt is the perfect way to showcase your fandom. Order now and wear your heroism with pride!

Click Here to see the store.


Audiobook Dragon Slayer Azeviche (The Chronicles of Oluf) Chapter 1, Part 1

Join Azeviche on a thrilling quest as she transforms from an ordinary girl into a legendary Dragon Slayer. In a world filled with magic, mythical creatures, and grand adventures, follow her journey of self-discovery, resilience, and the enduring strength of the human spirit. As Azeviche battles the dragons threatening her homeland, her extraordinary destiny unfolds, leaving an indelible mark on her realm's history. Discover a world teeming with magic, danger, and unbreakable bonds in this epic tale of courage and destiny.

READ IT ON WATTPAD :Read on Wattpad
#audiobook #fantasybookseries #dragonslayer #booktok #bookinstagram #writersofinstagram


The Oluf Chronicles (The Dragon Slayer) Azeviche Dragon Huntress Chapter 13

Embark on a Thrilling Journey! Dive into 'Dragon Slayer Azeviche' 

Step into a vividly imagined world filled with enthralling adventures, compelling characters, and a tale of resilience and determination Look no further. 'Dragon Slayer Azeviche,' a fantasy adventure that's bound to captivate and inspire you. In this epic tale, follow the incredible journey of Azeviche, a spirited young girl who finds herself at the edge of the world, on the cusp of a new life. But as she navigates this uncharted territory, she uncovers unexpected challenges, thrust into a world teeming with intrigue and threatened by impending evil. Azeviche's quest for a brighter future isn't just a fantasy; it's a courageous pursuit against formidable odds. With unique characters, captivating escapades, and a storyline woven with threads of courage, determination, and resilience, 'Dragon Slayer Azeviche' promises an immersive and unforgettable experience. 





A swift glance of green eyes surveyed the burning expanse of Muddy Peaks, situated to the south on that last hooked piece of land, known as the devil's finger. Kevin beheld a vision of an impending battle that would surely become unforgettable. From the mountain's peak, the Drakonites appeared less formidable. They were diminutive creatures, just as they ought to be. Many of them lay sprawled across the battlefield, their lifeless forms left to the scavenging ravens, their decaying bodies returning to the earth in a torrent of blood for Mother Earth to feast upon. However, twice as many of our soldiers were scattered across the land, crushed beneath the reptilian foot of the dragons, incinerated by their deadly breath, their bodies never collapsing like the salt statues from the ancient book of Genesis.

Kevin could feel thousands of men and women staring at him, their mouths muttering silent curses. There was only one shadowy figure like that in these lands, only one person with a head full of fiery hair, and they hated him. Rage took hold of every soldier as they saw him in the distance, and for a brief moment, they fought with such fury that victory seemed within reach. Kevin was hated because he had fled from the QuasiFinger training camps.

"A nest of vipers," he would often call that place as he escaped to live in the mountains, bringing shame to his father and his ailing mother, who wouldn't survive much longer after his abrupt departure. Forever doomed to be branded as a quitter, a cowardly rat. Now, from the mountaintop, he would watch their imminent defeat, and they would wrong him once again.

Greenberg was far from a coward. He fully understood the impending danger the southern border faced in a Drakonite attack like this one. He stood ready to battle, just like any other soldier. However, he could not condone their commanding officer's tactics and the brutality of their training.

"Look before you die, Muddy Peaks. On top of that mountain is the face of a coward," a soldier screamed. His lifeless body, pierced by a lance, was lifted into the air and hurled into the distance by a Drakonite.

"He will die like all the others," the Drakonite spat on the floor.

"Move ahead, push further into the land, and take what is rightfully yours, Drakonites!" shouted a tall figure at the top of his lungs. His golden mane danced in the wind, and his long blade gleamed in the sun. Dressed in a leather suit, Njal Sten was the fearless lord commander of the Drakonites.

The large-caliber bullets of war machines were reserved for use in slaughtering dragons, as they were unlikely to be brought down definitively otherwise.

A brave woman leaped at Njal Sten, brandishing her sword. He sent her flying with a backhanded blow.

"No! Ronna, leave it be. The battle is lost, and we can't stop them from taking the land," Marcus Abbe screamed.

"Kevin is here. Look!" Ronna cried, pointing her crimson-stained sword at the mountains.

"Forget that coward. He only came to spit on our corpses," Marcus rushed to help Ronna to her feet.

"He promised he would bring an army of elves with him," tears ran down her cheeks in desperation. Marcus cupped her face with his hands.

"It's over, my love. Let's face death with some dignity," he wiped away her tears.

"We're surrounded by death. There's no fairy tale that ends like this," Marcus said.

"Let's die fighting."

"Look, he's about to engage," Ronna said, her voice faltering.

The day was far from over. Atop the mountain, a resolute man gripped the hilt of a sword. Its silvery blade hissed as it left its scabbard and pointed toward the sky. It was the signal the 10,000 elven soldiers had been waiting for, concealed and ready for battle. Many of them rode fearsome Direwolves, their gritty teeth bared for combat.

"Let it be known that Kevin Greenberg always keeps his word," he bellowed towards the field. His voice was said to sound like the trumpets of Armageddon. The battlefield froze in silence for a long moment. "It's Greenberg," a voice broke the deathly hush. "He brought an army."

"Kill ‘em all!" Kevin shouted, pointing his silver sword at the field.

At the command of the red-haired giant, a veritable tsunami of elves and direwolves flowed through the trees of Muddy Peaks and down the hill, crashing onto the battlefield like surging waves hitting a wooden brig. Direwolves tore through bone and flesh, while the elves' silvery swords sliced through scales and sinews of the dragons that landed to finish off what remained of Muddy Peaks' army.

"Stop these damn little dwarfs!" shouted Njal Sten. "Exterminate every form of life that walks the earth." From his vantage point of arrogance, the Lord Commander witnessed the tide turning before his eyes. Day suddenly turned into night as a deadly cloud of arrows rained down upon the battlefield, striking down dragons by the hundreds. With eyes bulging out of their sockets, Njal Sten felt his blood freeze in his veins. Two of his formidable beasts crashed to the ground with a resounding thud, lifeless, brutally ending anyone who was too near.

"What has this lunatic done?" Marcus Abbe screamed. "He unleashed an army of madmen onto the field."

"This is the help we needed," Ronna shouted back at him. "Fight!"

"We're out of ammunition, Commander Abbe," a soldier warned Marcus. "Use swords; we can still repel the Drakonites' attack." A spear was thrown toward Marcus' chest, but just as it was about to pierce him, an Elf riding a huge Direwolf leaped into the air, breaking the spear in two with his glittering sword and saving Commander Marcus Abbe's life. "Who saved me?" Marcus exclaimed. "Who are you?"

"I am Halv-Har, the king of the elven nation. There's no time for introductions. Order your men to rekindle the fire and heat the tar cauldrons," he commanded.

"Relight the tar cauldrons. Aim for the dragon's legs and wings." The battle was far from over, as the dragon's flames turned Devil's Finger into hell on earth. The smoke and the smell of burning bodies made the name of that place even more ominous. The Drakonites had not yet engaged with the elves in close combat. They now understood the unique abilities and dexterity of these people, whether with a sword or spear. The expression on Njal Sten's face shifted from impatience to fear. This fearless lord commander couldn't bear to see his men and his entire campaign go to waste.

"We are being defeated by dwarfs," he said, clenching his fists, grinding his teeth, and filling his eyes with tears of pure hatred. How could he return home with such a defeat weighing on his shoulders? How could he explain to the King Ukrit Zoltar that they had been defeated by an army of elves?

"Dropping like fleas, all of us," Njal Sten shouted as he pierced another victim with his long black sword. "Sir, we must retreat while we still have dragons to take us back," a soldier shouted at Njal's side.

"You won't need any Dragon." The commander's arm and his sword slashed through the air, the blade opening his subordinate's throat. Njal felt a strong blow to his back, throwing him violently to the ground. It was Kevin, mounted on a powerful destrier, with the blade of his sword pointed at a terrified Drakonite.

"Remove your fetid carcass from our lands and don't come back," he said, holding tight to the reins of his black horse unnerved by the heat of battle.

"We came here today to die defending our homes. I came to show that we do not fear you; this place belongs to us, and we will never hand it over to you without many of you dying trying."

"So says he who comes with an army of elves behind him," Njal Sten spat on the ground.

"Yes, an army of elves on the backs of puppies broke the swords and tactics of an organized army. The skill and dexterity of my men made yours look like foolish little children. Go back and tell your king that a coward was leading an army of elves," replied Kevin, struggling to control his horse, which wanted to return to battle. These strong words shook Marcus Abbe and Ronna, who were just beside them in battle. The shame of defeat and the fear of dying made Njal drop part of his armor to make himself lighter and run away in a tremendous sprint, his eyes bulging out, moving his head nervously side to side, desperately trying to find in the heat of the battle any dragon that could take him away, back to the calm waters of Drakonia. Kevin calmly sat on his horse, watching as Njal moved desperately, trying to avoid what would be his certain death.

Halv-Har spurred his Wolf and stopped when he reached Kevin's horse. His hand reached for an arrow in his quiver and he knocked it on his bow, aiming at the Drakonian who had just found a wounded dragon. Njal knocked away two elves who were trying unsuccessfully to bring down the dragon with their ropes. "Greenberg, if you're going to let him escape, I'll finish him off myself," said Halv-Har, taking an arrow from his quiver.

"This arrow I reserved for him."

"Wait—" Kevin made a gesture with his hand, but it was too late. Before Kevin could stop Halv, the arrow was already in mid-air, its aim accurate. The arrow penetrated Njal Ster's shoulder, and he screamed in pain. Even so, the infamous commander mounted his mount, and it began to take flight.

"Your men fight like mad dogs. Look at what you're doing," Marcus Abbe also spat on the floor.

"We're doing what must be done," Kevin shouted.

With his heart pounding with urgency, Kevin tightened his grip on the reins, leaned forward in the saddle, and kicked his horse's sides. His powerful steed lunged forward, its muscles rippling beneath its coat. The thundering sound of hooves echoed through the battlefield, stomping on piles of Drakonites' dead bodies as the horse surged ahead, its nostrils flaring and eyes wide with determination. Together, they raced toward the dragon, the warrior and his steed, a perfect partnership in the chaos of battle.






















As Crônicas de Oluf (Azeviche)


O vento, como uma carícia suave, despenteia meus cabelos de ébano enquanto minhas pernas cansadas me carregam com passos deliberados até o topo do vale. Cada passo, carregado com o peso da batalha, raspa o caminho de cascalho, e minha espada, com sua lâmina ainda com o tom sombrio do sangue Draconita, é finalmente devolvida à bainha. Aqui estou eu, minha fiel lâmina de prata e eu, cansados pelas provações que enfrentamos, mas obrigados a contemplar os restos de Muddy Peaks. Quantas almas valentes sacrificaram suas vidas para afastar os implacáveis dragões, mesmo que apenas por um dia? Que a trégua daquele único dia seja suficiente."

Meus olhos marejados, pelo cheiro de fumaça negra e ardente, e meu coração chorando ao ver a devastação ao redor. Os vales e o rio que serpenteia pela cidade remontam ao dia em que pisei aqui pela primeira vez. Lembro-me daquele dia fatídico em que minha vida foi alterada para sempre e embarquei nesta jornada de descoberta.

"Ah, se eu pudesse escolher, eu embarcaria de bom grado nesta busca fantástica mais uma vez, mesmo sem saber de sua conclusão inevitável. Apenas para me reunir com todos aqueles que são tão queridos em meu coração. Vocês são minha própria essência , os membros e órgãos que completam minha existência. O próprio ar que escapa desses pulmões, agora em chamas com o cheiro de carne fumegante. "Meu amor por livros, juntamente com as duras provações da vida, forjaram a própria essência do meu ser. O amor que descobri neste lugar ancorou minha determinação. É por isso que persisto em defender essas terras. É por isso que anseio para presenteá-lo com uma história - minha história."


 We are live and we have only 9 days to fund Sword Of Justice issue #3.

We have ALL the issues for you on this campaign and also Issue 3 with all pages inked and lettered.

Join Us:


Silvio Spotti's Sword Of Justice Volume #2 (issue 3) (Kickstarter)

We are excited to announce that we are ready! Are you?


It feels like just yesterday that the Sword of Justice, our first mini-series, launched with a resounding "Bang!" Now, after years of hard work, we are on the verge of completing the second mini-series (Kickstarter coming soon!).Click Here and get a warning when we go LIVE: CLICK HERE

Sword Of Justice, brought to you by Top Secret Press. Created by the talented Silvio Spotti and beautifully colored by Veronica Lopez, this captivating three-issue story arc chronicles the thrilling adventures of Brenna, Tanet, and Muriel as they valiantly battle the relentless hordes of enemies on a futuristic Earth. Thanks to the incredible support from backers like you, all six installments were successfully funded on Kickstarter. Once again, we embark on a campaign to bring you the remaining pages, fully penciled, inked, and lettered. We will need to fund issue #3 and do the colors.

Issue #2 of volume #2 is coming from the print shop and soon will be at your door step as always Top Secret Press do.

Writer/Artist: Silvio Spotti.

Colorist: Veronica Lopez.

Publisher: top Secret Press.


Silvio Spotti's Sword Of Justice Volume #2 (issue 2 and 3)

 "The Sword of Justice" Comic Book by Silvio Spotti

1. Title: The Sword of Justice

2. Creator: Silvio Spotti

3. Artist: Silvio Spotti

4. Colorist: Veronica R. Lopez  

5. Publisher: Top Secret Press

6. Genre: Action, Fantasy

7. Overview:

"The Sword of Justice" is an exhilarating comic book series written and illustrated by the talented artist, Silvio Spotti, with captivating colors by Veronica R. Lopez. Published by Top Secret Press, this thrilling series transports readers to a world where one young heroine battles against the tyranny of her scientist father, who controls a lunar colony known as New Atlantis. Guided by her companions, the mage Muriel and the warrior Tanet, our protagonist Brenna embarks on a dangerous quest to overthrow her father's oppressive regime and bring justice to her people.

We are preparing the campaign for issue #3 and issue #2 is printing right now and soon will be at your door step.


The Misunderstood Artistry of Image Generators: Debunking Misconceptions

 Image generators have emerged as powerful tools capable of creating stunning visuals with the help of artificial intelligence (AI). However, despite their potential to enhance creativity and streamline the artistic process, image generators have been subject to unwarranted criticism from those who lack a comprehensive understanding of their inner workings. This essay aims to debunk the misconceptions surrounding image generators, highlighting their benefits and addressing the concerns raised by skeptics.

The Power of AI in Image Generation:
Image generators utilize sophisticated AI algorithms to produce artwork that ranges from realistic portraits to abstract compositions. By analyzing vast datasets of images and learning patterns and styles, these algorithms can generate unique visuals based on the input provided by users. This technology empowers artists and creators by serving as a collaborator, expanding their creative possibilities and reducing the time spent on repetitive tasks.

Understanding the Role of Image Generators:
One prevalent misconception about image generators is the belief that they steal art from other artists. However, this assumption is unfounded. Image generators operate based on the data they have been trained on and do not have the ability to actively seek out or replicate specific works of art. Their purpose is to assist and inspire artists, not to replace them.

Promoting Originality and Creativity:
Artists who utilize image generators do so as a starting point or a source of inspiration. These tools help them explore new artistic directions, experiment with styles, and overcome creative blocks. Image generators can generate initial sketches or compositions that artists can then modify, refine, and transform into unique and original pieces. Far from stifling creativity, these tools encourage it by sparking ideas and pushing boundaries.

The Importance of Proper Attribution:
One legitimate concern raised by critics is the need for proper attribution when using images generated by AI. While image generators create new visuals, it is crucial to acknowledge the original source of the training data. Responsible artists understand the significance of crediting the dataset creators and ensuring transparency in their creative process. By doing so, they contribute to fostering a collaborative and respectful environment within the artistic community.

Addressing the Skepticism:
The resistance against image generators often stems from a lack of knowledge and understanding of how they function. Instead of dismissing this technology outright, it is essential to engage in constructive dialogue and educate ourselves about the benefits it offers. By gaining insights into the technical aspects and the ethical considerations surrounding image generation, we can form well-informed opinions and embrace the potential it holds.

Image generators, powered by AI, have revolutionized the creative landscape, providing artists with new tools and possibilities. It is crucial to dispel the misconceptions and prejudices surrounding this technology and approach it with an open mind. Rather than fearing the supposed theft of art, we should appreciate the opportunities image generators present for collaboration, exploration, and inspiration. By embracing these tools responsibly and respecting the creative process, we can pave the way for a harmonious coexistence between AI and human artists, enriching the world of art in the process.

#ArtificialIntelligence #AIinArt #ImageGenerators #DigitalArtistry
#CreativeAI #ArtTech #DigitalCreativity #ArtificialCreativity
#ArtisticInnovation #TechnologyandArt #InspiredByAI
#ArtisticCollaboration #FutureofArt #AIandDesign #ArtisticExploration #ArtWorld #AIinCreativeProcess
#DigitalRevolution #ArtCommunity #ArtisticExpression


AI and the future of Comic Book industry.

Artificial intelligence (AI) has made remarkable advancements in recent years, particularly in the field of image generation. AI image generators use complex algorithms to create images that can resemble those produced by human artists, and this technology is rapidly evolving. As we continue to improve our ability to create images using AI, the possibilities for its application in various fields, including comic book art, are becoming increasingly exciting.

(Shift Click to enlarge Images)
AI image generators have several advantages over traditional methods of creating art. They can produce high-quality images quickly, and they can generate vast quantities of images with ease. This efficiency can save time and resources for artists, allowing them to focus on other aspects of their work, such as storytelling and character development. Additionally, AI can create images that are more precise and accurate than those created by human artists. This level of detail can be especially useful in creating realistic backgrounds, landscapes, and other elements that require a high level of accuracy.

In the field of comic book art, AI image generators offer a range of possibilities for both established and up-and-coming artists. For example, AI can assist artists in creating complex background elements, such as cities and landscapes, which can be time-consuming to produce by hand. By using AI to generate these elements, artists can save time and energy, allowing them to focus on the more creative aspects of their work.

Another exciting possibility for AI in comic book art is the creation of new characters and designs. AI can generate countless variations of character designs, providing artists with a wealth of inspiration and ideas. This technology can also help artists create unique and memorable characters that stand out from those created by other artists. AI can also assist in creating dynamic poses and action sequences, allowing for more exciting and engaging storytelling.

The use of AI in comic book art is not without its challenges, however. One potential issue is the lack of creativity and individuality in AI-generated images. While AI can create highly detailed and accurate images, it may lack the unique style and perspective that human artists bring to their work. This is particularly true in the case of comic book art, where the artist's style and individuality are a crucial part of the medium.

Another challenge is the potential loss of jobs for traditional artists as AI becomes more prevalent in the industry. While AI can save time and resources for artists, it may also lead to fewer opportunities for human artists to create work. This issue will need to be carefully considered as the technology continues to evolve.



AI Image generators and the 80's generation

Imagine, just relax for a nano second and have fun. Your eyes are getting heavy and you are a kid from the 80s or 90s with the superpower to generate images like this. They are somehow imperfect, six, nine-fingered characters, and you don't care because the images are so vivid. It's so cool to have the power to generate images of anime girls and you have it right now. You can evoke any of those images in 15 seconds. They are colorful and so fun to see, but now back from the hypnosis, it's 2023, and you are a grumpy old man living in a dystopian world, a prison for your mind. You can't have fun with anything and won't hesitate to pass judgment on one and all. When was it that the world became a place full of people with resentments and in needof Carl Jung's treatment?   Why can't we just have our nano seconds of fun? We have so many important things to worry about and be concerned about, and we just let it slide. People are killing that inner child. Why can't we laugh off anime characters with 3 legs and enjoy them because they are giants on top of a building? At some point, I am that young man from the 80s, I sit and relax, looking at those deformed, unedited images. They are so colorful in a way that I could not imagine. I forget all my troubles, and it makes me happy, and that's all that really matters.

The ability to generate anime-style images in just seconds using AI is truly mind-blowing, especiallyfor those of us who grew up in the 80s and 90s watching anime. Back then we would have to spend hours or even days creating our own anime-style artwork by hand, and it would never be as precise or accurate as what we can generate with AI today.
With AI, we can take our love for anime and Cyberpunk and create unique and exciting works of art in just a matter of seconds. And while some may argue that AI-generated art lacks the personal touch and emotion of handmade art, it's important to remember that AI-generated art is a new form of artistic expression that should be celebrated for its own unique qualities.

Moreover, this new tool has the potential to inspire a whole new generation of artists and creators who may not have had the time or resources to create anime-style artwork by hand. With the help of AI, anyone can create amazing works of art that they can be proud of.

In conclusion, this new AI tool is truly mind-blowing for those of us who grew up in the 80s and 90s watching anime. It allows us to create amazing works of art in just seconds, and it has the potential to inspire a whole new generation of artists and creators. So let's embrace this new technology and see where it takes us on our creative journey.

Generating images using AI has become increasingly popular in recent years, and it's not uncommon to see AI-generated images being used for various purposes, including in blog posts, social media, and other forms of digital media. However, some people might wonder if using AI to generate images is ethical, particularly when it comes to creating art.

Firstly, it's important to understand that AI-generated images are not stealing art. The AI is trained on large datasets of existing images, and it uses this knowledge to generate new images that are similar in style and content to the original dataset. While the AI-generated images may resemble existing art, they are not exact copies and do not reproduce the same level of skill and creativity as the original artist.

In fact, using AI to generate images can be a fun and exciting way to explore new artistic styles and techniques. It can allow individuals to experiment with different styles and create unique works of art that they may not have been able to create otherwise. It's important to remember that art is not about ownership or originality but rather about self-expression and creativity.

Moreover, the use of AI in art can also help bridge the gap between generations. The 80s and 90s were a unique time in popular culture, and many people from that era have a special attachment to the art and media of that time. By using AI to create Cyberpunk-style anime images, we can blend old and new styles in a way that appeals to both younger and older generations. It's a way to connect with the past while still embracing new technologies and techniques.

In conclusion, using AI to generate images is not stealing art, but rather a new form of creative expression. It allows us to experiment with new styles and techniques while still paying homage to the art of the past. So, let's have fun with this tool and create something unique and exciting that celebrates both our past and our future.

I want to tell people that this new tool is mind blowing for people that grew in the 80s and 90s watching anime. after all all that imagery no matter if somehow distorted was generated in 15 seconds.
Absolutely! The ability to generate anime-style images in just seconds using AI is truly mind-blowing, especially for those of us who grew up in the 80s and 90s watching anime. Back then, we would have to spend hours or even days creating our own anime-style artwork by hand, and it would never be as precise or accurate as what we can generate with AI today.

With AI, we can take our love for anime and Cyberpunk and create unique and exciting works of art in just a matter of seconds. And while some may argue that AI-generated art lacks the personal touch and emotion of handmade art, it's important to remember that AI-generated art is a new form of artistic expression that should be celebrated for its own unique qualities.

Moreover, this new tool has the potential to inspire a whole new generation of artists and creators who may not have had the time or resources to create anime-style artwork by hand. With the help of AI, anyone can create amazing works of art that they can be proud of.

In conclusion, this new AI tool is truly mind-blowing for those of us who grew up in the 80s and 90s watching anime. It allows us to create amazing works of art in just seconds, and it has the potential to inspire a whole new generation of artists and creators. So let's embrace this new technology and see where it takes us on our creative journey.



AI. Is it art or not?


I don't know what you guys do in your spare time as a hobby. I have entertained myself with these images. Several years ago, I used to buy heavy metal magazine, Cimoc and others in this genre, to see fantasy illustrations. People bought magazines to see these images. Now, we have amazing resources, and some people take them for granted. Some write to me, calling me names on Deviantart. Maybe they want me to use charcoal or animal blood on a cave wall, them take a picture with a Kodak. 
All prompts on this by Silvio Spotti

AI-generated images are digital images that are created using artificial intelligence techniques, typically involving the use of deep learning algorithms. These images can be generated in a number of ways, such as by training a neural network on a dataset of images and then having it create new images based on that training.

While an AI algorithm is responsible for creating the image itself, a person is still needed to generate the image art. This is because the AI algorithm needs to be trained on a dataset of existing images before it can generate new ones. Additionally, a person is needed to provide input to the algorithm, such as specifying the style or subject matter of the image. Whether or not an AI-generated image is considered art is a subject of ongoing debate. Some argue that because the image is created by an algorithm rather than a human artist, it cannot truly be considered art. Others argue that the process of training the algorithm and providing input to it is a creative act in itself, and that the resulting images are just as valid as those created by human artists. Ultimately, the answer to this question may depend on one's definition of art and the role of human creativity in its production.

T-shirts, Sword Of Justice Silvio Spotti

  Sword Of Justice Store   Unleash Your Inner Hero with the Sword of Justice T-Shirt, mugs,baseball hats and all. Are you a fan of epic adve...