
SWORD OF JUSTICE #3 Battle Ground


Sword of Justice is a horror/adventure comic book.

We are living days of blood, guts, pestilence and violence. False prophets are already among us, wolves in sheep's clothing, dominating the entire human race. A plague is spreading across the planet and humanity is returning to the Middle Ages. Follow Brenna, Tanet and Muriel on their adventures to save a destroyed earth.

Story and Art and lettering by Silvio Spotti(DC Comics, Disney, Boom, Avatar Press, IDW)
Colors by Veronica R. Lopez.

Alternate covers by:

Rafael lanhelas, With colors by Ivan Nunes (DC Comics, Dynamite and Zenescope)

Fan favorite CB zane
And Vittorio Astone : IDW Canto

You can order issues 1,2,3 or all of it.Back us in here

T-shirts, Sword Of Justice Silvio Spotti

  Sword Of Justice Store   Unleash Your Inner Hero with the Sword of Justice T-Shirt, mugs,baseball hats and all. Are you a fan of epic adve...