
Ruby gets her St benedict medal

Ruby just got her Saint Benedict medal for protection . The Ventriloquist just made one for her. Look what amazing art  we just got. And Ruby looks fantastic. Art by: André Leal Ventriloquist web page click here


Ruby and the warriors of Dion #2 #kicksatrter

After Ruby’s family is murdered by command of the evil warlock, Hadomeer, she swears revenge upon him. She knows she needs power and numbers to stand a chance against his magic and his army. She needs to find the Lost Grimoire containing all the known secrets of the ancient world. Along her quest she will find new powers and new warriors to join her quest.

Spotti entertainment is at its 3rd Kickstarter. Ruby and the warriors of Dion is already shipping to all backer, and pretty soon it will arrive on your home.  You can order Ruby and the Warriors of Dion #1, Or Ruby and the warriors of Dion #2, Or the both of it. And we have alternate covers and prints. Order the book in here: http://kck.st/2NSmUHc

Here above you can see a 5 pages preview of Ruby and the warriors of Dion #2 Wrtten by Guido martinez, Art by Silvio Spotti and Colors by Vittorio Astone edited by Marcel Dupree.

You can order the book in here.http://kck.st/2NSmUHc
Order here We already have released our first streatch goal for all backer.

T-shirts, Sword Of Justice Silvio Spotti

  Sword Of Justice Store   Unleash Your Inner Hero with the Sword of Justice T-Shirt, mugs,baseball hats and all. Are you a fan of epic adve...