
Sword of Justice Volume #2 Issue #2 is LIVE ON KICKSTARTER

The campaign for Sword of Justice Volume #2 Issue #2 is LIVE ON KICKSTARTER and we only ahve 15 days this time. So if you are a backer you know what to do join us and back this amazing comic book full of adventure sci-fi Fantasy and all. 

We have covers by Ou Friend Rafael Lanhelas that joined the group from the beguinning. With colors by Ivan Nunes that is Now coloring Spawn Gunslinger and a lot of Cover for Zenescope. This here is the link:Click here to back Sword of Justice

We have this time a double wraparound cover by Silvio Spotti and Veronica R. Lopez. And a Special Guest with 2 covers Gregbo Watson with colors by Gwenaelle Daligault. The regular cover and the naughty one with the topless. And also all the other issues from season one 1,2,3 and more than a dozen books by Top Secret Press.



Sword Of Justice Volume #2 Issue #2 by Silvio Spotti and Top Secret press.

 Once again we are prepared for another campaign.

This is the issue #2 of this second season. This time I well ahead with the art and all pages are inked and lettered. we only will have to proofread the text and color the book. Revisions in the text are comum as I work in a Marvel/Stan lee Way method. This makes for a more dynamic book.

As Always we will have cover A,B and C Cover A by your truly Silvio Spotti colored by Veronica R. Lopez. Cover B by fan favorite Rafael Lanhelas and colors by Veronica. We have a special guest for Cover C. I don't know if I'm allowed to tell , but he is a very fine artist and a good girl artists. I Love his work. We'll probably be live very soon, stay put and join us. Please back our book and help us make it. All other books from season 1 and 2 will be there for you to back too and more. Go ahead hit that buttom save, so you can get a warning when we launch. Back Sword Of Justice


Sword Of Justice- The comic book by Silvio Spotti published by Top secret Press

 I have 50% of book #2 from the second season of Sword Of Justice Inked and lettered. We are ready for another campaign. Those who are new to this: We always have all issues for sale on campaigns. #scifibooks #fantasybooks #terrorbooks


Dragon Slayer- Azeviche — Author posts on wattpad and is criticized.

Read Dragon Slayer for Free Click here.
People that follow this blog for some peculiar reason might be thinking. Here he comes again with this Dragon book. They ask me: " Why do you do it?  Why waste your time writing something that nobody will read?"Well. First of all. I do it because it was there, asking me all the time to get out of the ether of nonexistence to this reality. It was my task to remove it from the Akashic records and put it to paper.
 Back in 2018 I asked myself: " What if there was a Pollyanna Dragon Slayer kind of book. An Anne of Green Gables Dragon Slayer?"
I looked around and I couldn't find such a book. Them just out of kicks I decided to make the mock up of a cover and it was so cool that I fall in love for that idea. All of a sudden a cast of characters decided they wanted to live. And in 2018 I also decided that I wanted to live too. I won't bore people with the stupid facts of my personal life. No one is interested in this anyway.  Truth is. Azeviche is one of those things that would get me out of bed in the morning and put me to think what am I going to write. Because those characters, they write the book by themselves in to something that people call Psycography. I don't plan things in advance. I do have a plot in mind, but is the book that decides what to do. Books about orphans, they been done before many times. And books about dragons too. Why would I let this line of thinking stop me. I am this crazy and wrote about a country of orphans. A nation, a planet of broken people, living out of scraps left from a war against ancient beings that were here long before the humans. Continents torn apart by the Dragons commanded by a giant king Nefling. Taking place in a new geography in the same old planet and people looking after that most precious commodity of all. 
Why would I work on it late at night, when I should be resting and taking a nap I don't know. Is just something I have to do.

# Author posts on wattpad and is criticized.


Silvio Spotti's Sword Of Justice Volume #2 (issue 1) The comic book that is shaking the indie industry ;)

We're almost done with the colors in the issue of Sword Of Justice Volume #2 (Issue#1). Veronica R. Lopes is working hard and here we see that the colors are getting really good. I tend to be too strict with the colors in the magazine, as I believe that colors are a very important part of the process. Veronica R. Lopes is very much in tune with my work, which makes the whole process very accelerated because there are no corrections to be made.

 In this second mini series we will find new and important characters that will be part of this universe. I know that at some point I will have to tell the origin of Brenna and Nova Atlantis. The temptation to tell the story of how human civilization was destroyed and came to exist in a dystopian world is too great. And I must confess that I have this story and hope to be able to tell it soon. The Story of Brenna, Tanet and Muriel is a slice of a much bigger cake that I hope can be enjoyed by everyone soon.

We are also working on the second edition covers . I want to improve that. We had issues with the cover colors. With the departure of Ivan Nunes, our eventual collaborator in the cover colors. But it was for a good cause after all Ivan Nunes, is now coloring Spawn Gunslinger. This just indicates that we have high-level professionals working with us and this makes us very happy. The simple idea that Todd Mcfarlane is working with the same professionals that we are is a very excellent sign.

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SWORD OF JUSTICE ORIGINS IS LIVE ON KICKSTARTER: Art and Story by me and colors by the amazing Veronica Lopez. Published by TOP SECRET PRESS...